Indoindians weekly newsletter: Life, the Universe, and Everything…

Indoindians Online Event Inspired by Mahatma Gandhi

Indoindians weekly newsletter: Life, the Universe, and Everything…

Namaste Friends,

Its a VUCA world, volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous, with the pandemic and the resulting side effects. Each of us has been adversely affected in some way or the other.

The Government of India has modified the travel guidelines for all the
foreigners including visa seekers from Indonesia intending to visit India the
foreigners arriving in India on account of Covid-19 pandemic. Check details here >>

Upcoming Events:

Wed, 29th Sept from 3pm Jkt: Cooking Shooking with Friends Leftovers Special. Register here >> 

Sat, 2nd Oct from 5pm Jkt: Join our 8 panelists as they share the quotes by Gandhiji that continue to inspire. Celebrating a legacy of inspiration on Gandhi Jayanti, the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
LIVE stream at

Our newsletter is an interesting mix of articles:
Life lessons from Kintsugi
Tips to thrive in quarantine
6 skills needed in post-covid world
6 popular Indonesian foods with peanut sauce
Skills for fresh graduates
Easy one-pot meals
7 ways to enjoy cream cheese
Guide to reading the nutrition label
How to write a memoir

Join our really useful community WA group for support and communication here >>

For online medical consultation with Indian doctors in Indonesia here >>

Warm regards,
Indoindians Team

Indoindians weekly newsletter: Life, the Universe, and Everything…