Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: New Year, New Wellness Plan

happy New Year 2022
Namaste Friends,
With just a couple of weeks left of 2021, it is the perfect time to create a wellness plan for the new year. Planning is the key to success and happiness. A common adage is ‘Failing to plan is planning to fail’ wink
Upcoming events:
Friday, 10th Dec from 4pm Jkt:ย Indoindians Online Event: How to Store and Maintain Your Sarees.ย Register at
Saturday 18th Dec at 4pm Jkt:ย Predictions for 2022 with Dr. Sundeep Kochar.ย Register at
Wellness refers to holistic wellbeing, which includes physical health, but also encompasses mental, social, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. The pursuit of wellness is an active process and thereโ€™s always room for improvement! Here, we help you get started with a personal wellness plan.
Build your wellness plan with these โ€Œinformational articles:
  • 10 New Year Mantras: Key to Wellness
  • Build a New Year Wellness Routine
  • 5 Food Supplements for Mental Health
  • 5 Ways To Enhance Your Well Being
  • 5 Mood-Boosting Flowers For Every Room
  • 6 Yoga Poses for Better Sleep
  • 10 Tips for Better Conversations at Parties
  • Which Meditative Technique is Best for you?
  • Are You Well? Here are 12 Steps to Get Thereโ€ฆ
  • 14 Magic Power Foods for the Gala Festive Season
Warm regards,
Indoindians Team