Indoindians Weekly Newsltter: Refresh & Rejuvenate here>>
Namaste Friends,
We at Indoindians, deeply care about our community. In these unprecedented times, we have been asking ourselves and looking for ways to support this incredible community. These weeks of disruptions have, on one hand impacted our comfort zones and surfaced fears of unknown, yet on the other hand they have led us to be more agile and innovative than ever before. Join us for a session of Ask Me Anything on Saturday, 11th April at 11am to share your questions, comments and insights. Register here >>
Please note that the govt. hotline for COVID-19 is:
KEMENKES RI: 021-5210411, 081212123119
DKI Jakarta: 112, 119, 081388376955
and list of its Hospitals in Jakarta here>>
With Easter around the corner, Kavita Kapoor shares Easter Chocolates and Marshmallow Treats
Other articles in this edition of the newsletter are:
- How to Make DIY Face Masks with Filter Pockets
- Hanuman Jayanti – Celebrating Hanuman Jayanti the Monkey God
- 10 Online Grocery Shopping Stores in Indonesia
- Mental Health Tips During Isolation
- Fun Indoor Activities for Children
- 5 DIY Traditional Jamu Recipes
Wishing you a Happy Hanuman Jayanti and a joyful Easter, a time of hope and
new beginnings.
Stay Safe, Refresh & Rejuvenate,
Indoindians Team
Indoindians Weekly Newsltter: Refresh & Rejuvenate here>>