Indoindians Workshop: Wills, Legacy and Trust Company – 6th May 2017

legacy planning

Legacy planning is an important and yet a neglected part of our financial portfolio. Some of us are not aware of the adverse consequences that may arise by not having a succession plan in place when we pass on.

 Who Should Attend

Those who are concerned and want to know more about the steps to be taken in planning asset distribution and understand how legislation affects our families upon our demise.

Topics to be covered

  • Understanding Wills, Legacy and Trust Company
  • Common Misconceptions
  • Insight into Succession Laws
  • Tips and Tricks


60 mins

Date, Time and Venue

Date & Time: Saturday, 6th May, 2017 from 10.30 am – 12 noon
Venue: TBA

Speaker: Sandeep Prabhu

Register below or call Utin at +6221-5228775 or Ibu Anas at +6221-30015666