#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 3: VRIKSASANA – Tree pose

VRIKSASANA – Tree pose
Day3: VRIKSASANA – Tree pose

Day 3 #IndoindiansYogaChallenge:

VRIKSASANA – Tree pose
Going into the asana:
– Stand straight with feet together, pressing the heels and the front of the feet firmly.
– Bend the right leg at the knee, placing the right foot up at the root of the left straight leg. Right foot toes should point down.
– Press well the right foot into the left thigh and the left thigh back into the right foot – this will help keep the balance.
– Joining the palms in Namaskar in front of the chest, stretch the arms overhead.

Effects of the asana: 
– Builds strength in and tones the leg muscles.
– Improves balance as this pose is balancing on one leg at a time.
– Helps in opening the groin area.

Tips & Requirements:

  • Wear comfortable lose clothes during the asanas.
  • Use a yoga mat or a carpet to perform your asanas. Don’t directly practice on the floor.
  • Practice on an empty stomach empty or at least 2-3 hours of gap between meals.

Follow the directions of the asana/pose till you can do it perfectly. Post your photo/video or go FB live in the asana challenge of the day and remember to tag @INDOINDIANS  on Instagram & FB with hashtag #IndoindiansYogaChallenge

You can also tag your friends and nominate them to participate in the challenge with you.

Lets Get Set Go….Pose…Click

Join in the learning and practice of the Yoga practice leading towards the International Day of Yoga on June 21. We at Indoindians challenge you all to join the #IndoindiansYogaChallenge

If you have any questions or comments, do post below or on the Indoindians FB wall.