Institute of Chartered Accountants of India – Indonesia Chapter

Indonesia Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is a premier accounting body recognized globally for its contribution in the fields of education, professional development, maintenance of high accounting, auditing and ethical standards. With members spread globally and rendering services in every walk of social and economic life, ICAI is the second largest accounting body in the world with a membership of over 160,000 Chartered Accountants.

The Indonesian Chapter ( was set up in 2003 to facilitate professional development and provide a platform for networking for Indian Chartered Accountants coming to Indonesia with career growth aspirations. The Chapter’s mission is to promote the accounting and financial expertise of its members and contribute to the growth of the Indonesian economy by increasing productivity and bridging the skill gaps for accounting professionals in the country.

The Chapter has a rapidly growing membership base of about 125 with many of its members playing an active role in the local business community as leaders, managers, and decision makers in accounting and financial management. Members are dedicated to continued professional development, to achieving the highest levels of professional ethics, to supporting each other in our commitment to professional excellence, and to promoting Indonesia-India business partnerships.

The 10th Annual General Meeting of the Indonesia Chapter of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India was held on Saturday, 21st September 2013. New Executive Committee for the year 2013- 2014 was formed, comprising of 11 members as following:

– CA Arun Dalmia
– CA Naresh Anchalia
– CA Manish Vimal
– CA Subhas Lakhotia
– CA Ajay Nahar
– CA D. N. Maru
– CA Nitin Patni
– CA Siddarth Tapdia
– CA Suneet Dhoka
– CA Vikram Nanawati
– CA Kapil Bhutra

The new Executive Committee then formed a Management Committee as following:

Chairman CA Naresh Anchalia
Vice Chairman CA Subhas Lakhotia
Secretary CA Ajay Nahar
Joint Secretary CA Nitin Patni
Treasurer CA Siddarth Tapdia

For further information please contact

Ajay Nahar
Indonesia Chapter of ICAI

Email: HP 0811223691

Chapter website:

Chapter mail: