As 2023 is still considered a year full of uncertainty. For this reason, colors that are soothing, calming, or uplifting are needed. Based on these considerations, the Pantone Color Institute has announced Viva Magenta 18-1750 as 2023 Color of the Year.
Viva Magenta is a pink-red color that has a cheerful, cool and warm feel. This color gives the impression of being powerful, happy, optimistic, brave, intelligent and inclusive. Since this color is inspired by the natural dye cochineal, Pantone is putting a lot of emphasis on nature for 2023.
The following are some color combinations of Viva Magenta that can be an inspiration for creating charming home interiors:
1. Plum or Deep Purple Home Decor

Viva Magenta is a beautiful, warm and bold red. Apply it on the wall in the sitting room or library. This method will be appropriate in both traditional and modern spaces. A plum or deep purple home décor will complement the charm of a room with Viva Magenta colored walls. Chairs in cognac leather or rattan in neutral tones will also make the room prettier.
2. Beautiful Mermaid Color

Typical mermaid colors such as magenta, blue, green, purple can bring a cool, warm and beautiful atmosphere in any home interior design. Furniture in green-cyan, Egyptian blue, and rose quartz pink colors will be perfectly combined with Viva Magenta for the living room.
3. Red, Orange, Purple, and Periwinkle Blue
The color Viva Magenta has so much substance that it can present itself without needing a contrasting color to show through. Pairing it with adjacent hues like red, orange, purple, and periwinkle blue will enhance the feel of a room that conveys positive, strong, and passionate energy.
4. Magenta Accessories

Viva Magenta is a great color for accessories, such as lampshade and cushion trim. The cushion trim in viva magenta color pairs well with white, lighter shades of blue, and green. Place magenta flowers in a white vase on a magenta table to make the room look pretty. Another option is to use a magenta tablecloth and candles to add a bold element to the table setting.
5. Children’s Playroom

It is highly recommended to use Viva Magenta in child-friendly spaces, for example as an accent color in a bedroom or children’s playroom. Using bits of this color in pillows, bedding, blinds, rugs, or shower curtains is a great way to incorporate this bold and uplifting color.
6. Rural or Urban Homes

The hot pink color will make the Viva Magenta color simmer. Deep magenta red looks great with Pantone Twist of Lime 18-0330 or even Golden Lime 16-0543. Viva Magenta really can make any space come alive as long as it’s used in the right compositions and places.
7. Feminine Color

Do you want to create a feminine room in the house? Viva Magenta can also present a feminine and elegant impression with the sweet lady palette. Simply combine magenta with dark grey, peach and brownish red. If you want to create a sweet lady themed interior design, try using dark gray wall paint and installing a viva magenta sofa.
Which color combination pair with Viva Magenta do you like? What other colors do you think are suitable for Viva Magenta? Share what you think in the comment section below.