Introduction of Reiki TUMMO, And Reiki Foundation In Indonesia


Reiki TUMMOReiki TUMMO is not about how to become a healer. On the contrary, in Reiki TUMMO you learn and realize that the best healer is always the Divine Source. In Reiki TUMMO you learn that the blessing of the Divine Source is the mightiest power. If you can just let this blessing work on you and through you, you will gain unlimited benefits. By having this understanding in energy channeling, you will then be able to let the blessing of the Divine Source help you in everything you need, not only in your daily life but also for your spiritual growth.

In Reiki TUMMO, you will not simply hear or read about this, but as you work with your heart, you will have a chance to allow Divine Source to work through you. The heart is the only part of you that can really be connected to the Divine Source, receive the blessing of Divine Source and let the blessing of Divine Source work on you.

About the Reiki TUMMO foundation
Yayasan Padmajaya is the foundation in Indonesia setup by Grand Master Irmansyah Effendi in 1998 to provide a medium for spiritual growth. The foundation has growing alumni of over 30,000 in 44 cities across Indonesia. It has now expanded to Singapore, Malaysia, Philipines, Turkey, Jamaica, Ireland, India, United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Netherland, Portugal, China, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Panama, Venezuela. More details on workshops in Indonesia at and the international website

The workshops held by this foundation are:
Rei Ki Tummo 1-2-3A Meditation, Kundalini, Shing Chi, Spiritual Retreats, Master Yoga, and Open Heart workshops.

About the founder
Mr. Irmansyah Effendi is the Grand Master and founder of the powerful spiritual technique of Reiki TUMMO. He holds Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Mathematics from California State University, USA, with Magna Cum Laude and Honor. He holds Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence from the same university.
Mr. Effendi is the author of books about Reiki, Kundalini, Shing Chi, Reiki Tummo and other spiritual topics. He is the founder of Padmacahaya, an international organization for spiritual advancement. He is also the founder of Padmajaya, Padmasejati and Padmasemesta foundations. Thousands of his students around the world have experienced gentle Kundalini awakening through Reiki Tummo technique blissfully.