Jakarta MRT to start operating in March 2019


The Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) has been the most anticipated in Jakarta. After all the months of construction, it is finally ready to be opened and used by the general public. Currently, it is almost done by 97.52% and will be going through testing rounds till 14th February.  The head director of PT MRT Jakarta William P Syahbandar himself says that all of the construction is entering its final stages. He confirms that the MRT can be operated on time on March 2019.

“The construction of the phase I Jakarta MRT construction from Lebak Bulus to Bundaran HI with a distance of about 16 kilometers has had 97.52 percent of progress and only 2.5 percent left to be done,” he said optimistically at the MRT presentation.

Lifts for priority passengers (seniors, disabled, pregnant mothers, mothers with children).


Escalators prepared for the opening of Jakarta’s MRT.

At this stage, the MRT station is almost done and is almost operable. Some of the facilities that the MRT offer include a special area for Food and Beverages (F&B) tenants, clothing stores to ATM Centers.

Not only do the passengers get to enjoy the perks of an MRT station, but are also given many facilities. The government has built stairs, escalators and lifts for priority passengers (seniors, disabled, pregnant mothers, mothers with children). This effort is done so none of the priority passengers will have minimal difficulty in reaching the underground trains.

Modern digital platform boards for MRT passengers. 

Departure and arrival times have already been posted on digital boards at the train platforms. Moreover, it is slightly different to its regular train stations in Jakarta. Special platforms have already been made for people to queue and to prevent people from stepping in front of others. Platform screen doors (PSD) are also added to accommodate passengers, especially those with children.

Jakarta’s MRT will be operated from 0500 to 2400 midnight, daily. “We have a quite a frequent schedule, which is every five minutes, so that it can accommodate many passengers,” said MRT Jakarta’s Director of Operations dan Maintenance Agung Wicaksono at his office in Jakarta. He also mentions that PT MRT has a very tight schedule because it has its own roads, like other trains in Jakarta.

Passengers will be able to pass through 13 stations from Lebak Bulus to Bundaran Hotel Indonesia (HI) in 30 minutes time. The price estimate for 10 km will be about Rp 8. 000.

Stasiun layang:

  • Sisimangaraja
  • Blok A
  • Blok M
  • Haji Nawi
  • Cipete Raya
  • Fatmawati
  • Lebak Bulus

Stasiun Bawah Tanah:

  • Bundaran HI
  • Dukuh Atas
  • Setiabudi
  • Benhil
  • Istora
  • Senayan

For more information:

  • PT MRT Jakarta
    Address: Wisma Nusantara Lt. 21, Jln. MH Thamrin 59, Jakarta, Indonesia
    Phone: +62-213906454
    Website: https://www.jakartamrt.co.id/

What are you thoughts and views on this long awaited public transportation in Jakarta? Do share in the comments below…