Join in Indoindians Business Section Online

Feature and promote businesses with interest in India & Indonesia

Indoindians Online Business Directory

Indoindians is the news & information portal – connecting and supporting the people of Indonesia and India to promote mutual understanding, friendship and business for mutual benefit. It provides cultural, social and business information exchange online and through collaboration with many associations and offline events.

The objective of the business section is to feature and promote business between India and Indonesia through online information exchange supported with offline business events, expert talks and networking sessions. As well as to feature the prominent business leaders and news makers.

If you are business in Indonesia with interest in India we invite you to be part of this dynamic forum on

What you get:

  1. Business listing on Indoindians Online Business Directory
  2. Company profile on Indoindians Business Section
  3. Interview with your CEO by Indoindians
  4. Business news updates on Indoindians

Business Directory Online:

Fill in your details in the form below to submit your company details to Indoindians Business Directory Online here

Feature your company:

Profile, promote and brand your business on Indoindians with CEO interviews, company press release, promotional banners, social media posts and more.  More about advertising on this site here >>

Have comments or suggestions? Call us at +6221-5228775 (Dias)