Keeping Fit in Jakarta


Air pollution, an abundance of greasy foods, and lack of walking paths in Jakarta make staying fit a real challenge. But, it does not mean that you have to pack all your stuff and move to a city where you can jog on the sideways—you just need to make time, and find different ways to stay fit. It’s easy and everyone can follow these tips to stay fit in Jakarta:

Car Free Day in Jakarta
From 6 to 11 every Sunday, the main road of Sudirman and Thamrin is free of any motorized vehicles to give way for thousands of Jakartans to walk, jog, cycle, or do any sports activity you can think of. Going to Car Free Day can also be quality family time by exercising together. Oh and you can always bring your pets to the Car Free Day too.

Get picky with Indonesian food
Indonesia has a wide variety of delicious foods, but usually its spicy, greasy and high glycemic index. But it does not mean that you can’t choose the delicious food that’s healthy too. Combine your favorite food with Sundanese lalapan, a pile of raw and fresh vegetables. Pair it with sambal or ground chili to excite your appetite.

Get organic juice and produce
Organic, cold pressed juices seem to be the hot trend in Jakarta currently. As the result many home based business and online shops offer drinks made fresh from leafy green vegetables and fruits. Online shops sell cold pressed juices and even fresh organic salad to be delivered to you. It’s all very easy – just text or call them and they will directly deliver it to your door. No reason to refrain from consuming healthy food in a jiffy!

Rejuvenate yourself
Jakarta has many spas for you to rejuvenate your mind and body. And of course, it’s available in all price options. From simple massage to head-to-toe treatment, you can get it in Jakarta. It’s also a great way to de-stress too!

Go to the mall
You might think “What? What exercise I can do in a mall?” Jakarta maybe lacking in sidewalks and jogging tracks, but it has hundreds of malls to walk in. Come think about it: mall is actually mazes of miles and miles of walkways and corridors with great eye candy. Put your favorite sneakers or running shoes and walk away!

Join in fun sports clubs
If you feel that jogging or walking in a mall are bored, you can try out some new activities offered around Jakarta. Fitness centers generally offer Yoga, Pilates, or Zumba classes, so you can pick one (or more). Or, you can join other fun and out-of-the-box activities such as dance, archery, martial arts, parkour, or fencing. There are lots of fun healthy activities you can try!

Use public transportation
Using public transportation daily in Jakarta is yet another way to stay fit. If you’re using Transjakarta buses, to get to the shelters you need to get across the pedestrian bridges. Normal pedestrian bridges in Jakarta have stairs and long paths, so you can use your walk to TransJakarta shelter as light exercise. Refrain from using private vehicles, as it will make the traffic jams even worse and cut your exercising time. This is being GREEN with a purpose to keep fit.