Khushbu Porwal, Certified Trainer Jolly Phonics UK


    Khusbhu Porwal firmly believes that Phonics can give children a lifetime love for reading. Is it really possible in today’s world?

    Yes, it’s possible; children love reading if they are taught using right reading techniques. Almost every parent today faces concerns about children spending too much time watching TV or on mobile. We need to know what the early steps are in the arduous task of teaching children to read and write.

    Can one tell what difference Phonics might make?

    jolly-phonicsThe difference is quite noticeable. My first student was my son Siddhanth. After introducing Phonics to him at age 3, I could see transformational changes in his reading fluency and word formation. Siddhanth who goes to JIS, is an avid reader and has read more than 60 books from 7 different categories in the last 3 months.

    Studies have shown that children taught with phonics, learn twice as fast as those taught to memorise whole words.

    How Phonics can we make reading easy & fun for children?jolly-phonics-2

    Forget reciting the ABC in parrot-fashion. Jolly Phonics is all about teaching letters and sounds based on logical understanding, rather than learning them by heart. Jolly Phonics takes reading into a playful space with specific actions and even fun characters.

    Finally, parents have a huge impact on how quickly their children learn to read. Spending time together reading as a family, library habit and addressing reading issues promptly can make a big difference.

    Can you tell us more about your journey with Jolly Phonics?


    I am an educationist with more than 10 years of experience across different fields of education. Soon after becoming a mother, I started looking for newer ways of teaching my son. In 2009 I finished formal training for Phonics and since then I have continuously upgraded my certification level. Now I am a Certified Trainer of Jolly Phonics, UK for South East Asia.

    In Mumbai I ran an institute “Phonics Essentials “where I have taught 65 teachers and 350+ children using Jolly Phonics.

    In early 2016, my destiny brought me to Jakarta as my husband got transferred.

    Click here to see my work and reviews
    Contact:, +62 878 7756 9174