Look Good and Feel Good this Christmas by Aditi Srivastava

Look Good and Feel Good this Christmas by Aditi Srivastava

December is my favorite month of the year – for two reasons- it’s the time for reflections of the year gone by- the laughter’s, the sorrows, the achievements and the disappointments as well as the time to plan the next year- its new opportunities evaluate the challenges and set personal and professional targets. The best time of the year to look good and feel good!

I request you to all to invest some time and do this exercise as well, just in case you are not doing it. To recapture the past and plan for the future in an interesting and productive exercise.

Of course this is a holiday and a celebration month as well- Christmas/ New Year/ Year end break et al- it’s a fascinating and colorful month the world over and I just love that part of it as well.

The two elements which are very close to my heart- food and clothes – so for this festive season lets figure out- what we should eat to enjoy the festivities and stay healthy as well and what we should wear to look drop dead gorgeous…….

My belief is that food is an essential source of the ‘Look Good Feel Good ‘factor as ‘we are what we eat’. Now this does not mean that food is just related to weight gain or loss only, essentially food provides nourishment to our skin, hair as well balances our energy level and moods. Food also is one of the most important factors at each festival or occasion. Christmas is incomplete without the delicious Christmas Cake/ turkey/ roast potatoes/ sauces/ savories/ trifle/puddings/ pies scones and sooooo much more. It’s the time to pray/ party / meet friends and family thereby making it very difficult to watch what we eat. Wine is also an essential element of this wonderful festival and wine lovers enjoy the pairing of food with wine.

wine at christmas party

I am just bringing to notice a few points that will make you feel better about eating the goodies this Christmas.

Turkey is high in protein and low in fat– as long as you don’t eat the skin. Turkey has half the amount of fat compared to any red meat and it’s a rich source of niacin- which is a vital nutrient for the skin- so enjoy the turkey guilt free as it will help make your skin glow.

Potatoes are still low in saturated fat, if cooked well with less butter, and are a reasonable source of all sorts of nutrients including potassium and magnesium, as well as vitamin B6 which is essential for a healthy metabolism and nerve function and folate which reduces risk of depression and maintains a healthy heart. Plus they contain reasonable amounts of fiber, an added bonus.

Mince pies have high saturated fats and calories but if you go for the ones with thinner pastry and higher fruit content- it works. The dried fruit is extra potassium- important for maintaining the level of acids and bases in the body.

Christmas pudding of course high in calories but also provides reasonable amounts of iron and fibre both essential for the body. After all what’s Christmas without the pudding.

Similarly other savories, finger snacks, salads, antipasti platter can also be structured with a twist of good health.

Wine is something which is loved by many and hence researched extensively. Not that I am advocating its but certain studies suggest that moderate consumption of wine, specially red wine, may help people live longer, protect against certain cancers, improve mental health and better heart health.

So go ahead enjoy your foods and wine. Always remember that it’s not just about what you eat but how much you eat so EDIT not DIET.

Most foods have their good and bad values so think before you pick up the next tart or another helping of turkey laden with gravy/ sauce. Enjoy every bite of what you eat feel the flavors and the essence and make the taste last rather than gorging on huge amounts just as it is a festival……

Aditi Srivastava Diet & Style Consultant for Indoindians.comby Aditi Srivastava Diet & Style Consultant for Indoindians.com