10 Foods to Boost Your Metabolism


When you’re struggling to lose some weight, you might consider trying anything to burn extra calories. You exercise more, wear calorie-burning clothes, go to the sauna, eat healthy, and much more. However, on top of all, having a fast metabolism is everything.

Metabolism is the process of the body turning calories we consume into usable energy. Calories are a measure of energy, and our body depends on getting enough of them to keep us functioning in all aspects of life. Having a fast metabolism means that your body can quickly turn fat into bioavailable energy, and it also means that you have more energy when working out.

In short, having fast metabolism is the real key to weight loss.

Your metabolic rate determines how well you can “burn” calories, and this has a big impact on your appearance, mood, and energy levels. That is why if you experience one or more of these symptoms, it’s the sign that you’re suffering from less-than-ideal metabolic functioning:

  • struggling to lose weight
  • ongoing fatigue
  • low body temperature
  • cracked, dry skin
  • trouble sleeping through the night
  • constipation and slow-moving bowels
  • bloating after eating
  • mood disorders like anxiety and depression
  • frequently urinating
  • excessive thirst and dry mouth
  • trouble concentrating
  • allergies and hypersensitives
  • low energy levels
  • low motivation for physical activity
  • getting sick more often

Now, if your main goal is to burn more calories, there are foods that can boost your metabolism naturally. Here are some you can add to your daily diet:

Green tea

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Green tea will not speed up your metabolism on its own, but it will help you in fat-burning mode. It’s good to keep a pack of green tea bags near you to brew (without sugar, syrup, and any other addition) and sip on in between meals. Don’t forget to be eating and drinking to keep the fire burning.

Hot peppers

Jalapeno, habanero, cayenne, and other types of spicy peppers directly boost metabolism and circulation. The capsaicin content in hot peppers has ability to increase blood circulation and metabolic rate. Studies have shown that eating hot peppers can boost the metabolism by up to 25%, with the spike lasting for up to 3 hours.

Whole grains

We all know that whole grains are full of nutrients and complex carbohydrates that speed up metabolism by stabilizing your insulin levels. Slow-release carbs, such as oatmeal, brown rice, and quinoa offer long-lasting energy, without the spikes associated with other sugar-rich foods.


A study published in Physiology & Behavior found that the average metabolic rate of people who drank caffeinated coffee was 16 percent higher than that of those who drank decaf.

Lean protein

Lean protein helps to build up your muscle mass. This is critically important because the more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolic rate. The best source of lean protein to add in your daily diet including poultry (breast), beans, edamame, tempe, and shellfish.


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Fish is an excellent source of iodine and selenium, two minerals that support the function of the thyroid gland which regulates metabolism.


Top Fermented Foods for Health

Kimchi is rich in probiotic, and it is beneficial for gut health, promoting healthy digestion and less bloating. It helps carbohydrate metabolism to aid you in losing weight. The capsaicin in the chilli peppers in kimchi also adds its benefits as metabolism-booster.


Celery is low in calories and packed with fiber and water, so it takes quite a longer time to digest. And because celery acts as diuretic, the energy that’s used by the body to increase urine production helps shift your metabolism into a higher gear.

Citrus fruits

grapefruit halves

Fruits like grapefruit have been proven to help u burn fat and keep our metabolism rate high. This could be related to the fruits’ high amount of vitamin C, a helpful and healthy component that reduces insulin spikes.


Drinking Water in Indonesia

Did you know that even a mild hydration can slow your metabolism? It’s better to drink your water cold, which forces your body to use more calories to warm up.