Recipe: Easy Mini Cheesecake with Peach Sauce


Ingredients for the base :

  • 200gm Finely chopped almonds or peanuts
  • 40gm melted butter


  1. Mix the ingredients and divide mixture into 12 paper-lined muffin tins. Keep chilled!

Topping ingredients :

  • 500gm cream cheese at room temperature
  • 200ml milk
  • 120gm caster sugar
  • 2tbsp rum or ¼ tsp almond essence
  • 15gm gelatine dissolved in 50ml water
  • 1 can peaches in syrup

Directions :

  1. Blend all the ingredients except peaches until smooth.
  2. Spoon into the prepared bases.
  3. Keep in freezer until frozen.
  4. Blend the peaches and syrup till smooth.
  5. When serving the cheese-cake, place 2 tablespoons of the peach sauce on a plate.
  6. Peel the paper from the cheesecake and place on the sauce, base up.

For more recipe, check out this article about making a good fluffy japanese cheesecake.