Most common situations and consequences for foreigners / expats during the COVID-19


The Indonesian Immigration Department has set out regulations regarding the Covid-10 pandemic and even explained them in an extensive Q & A list

The Indonesian official Immigration website is at It is very helpful and has English menus.

  • Regulation no. 11 from the Minister of Justice and Human Right, from 31 March 2020
  • Letter on Regulation no 11, from Director General of Immigration, from 2 April 2020
  • Tanya dan Jawab  (Questions & Answers) from Director General of Immigration, from 13 April 2020
  • English Translation of Question and Answers here >>

As we have received a lot of questions too and have read all the blogs online, we found that there are a few main situations and  consequences.
Below a list that covers the majority of situations to make you well aware.

The Covid-19 rules are for all foreigners. Please read carefully!

Most common situations and consequences cases for foreigners in Indonesia


Covid-19 Regulation CONSEQUENCE

1.    Expats / Foreigners not in Indonesia now and not having a valid Kitas/Kitap.

2.    Expats not in Indonesia, with valid Kitas/Kitap

3.    Expats with valid Kitas/Kitap that expires while being abroad.

4.    Expats with valid Kitas/Kitap that expires while being In Indonesia and cannot travel.

5.    Expats with valid Kitas/Kitap that expires while being In Indonesia and cannot EPO.

6.    Foreigners staying in Indonesia
– on a Single-Entry Visit Visa (B211)
  (Social and business), valid for 60 days
and 4x extendable for 30 days.
– on a Multiple Entry Visit Visa (D212)

7.    Expats / foreigners with a valid Visa Approval letter (Telex) obtained with the Director General in Jakarta. Valid for 60 days after date of issuance.

8.    Expats / foreigners with a working Visa (C312), family visa (C317) social /cultural visa (B211 or D212) obtained at the Indonesian Embassy abroad. Valid for 90 days after issuance.

9.    Expat / foreigner possess an Emergency Stay Permit. When does it expire?

10.  Expats with expired Kitas/Kitap now holding Emergency Stay Permit. Can they leave Indonesia after Covid-19 period?

11.  Expats with expired visa now holding Emergency Stay Permit. Can he leave Indonesia after Covid-19 period?

12.  Expats / Foreigners with any kind of valid Kitas/Kitap/Visa, that has expired or will expire during Covid-19 pandemic period, does he run the risk of overstaying.

13.  Foreigners who have a valid KITAP and returned to their countries with a MREP that expires while they are abroad. What happens to the KITAP?


1.    Cannot come to Indonesia!

2.    Can come to Indonesia with health and/or fit to fly certificate and statement that they want to and must undergo quarantine.

3.    Expats lose the Kitas/Kitap and must start new process to obtain Kitas/Kitap.
Extension cannot be done at an Embassy, only in Indonesia. New telex and visa needed.

4.    Expats can stay and obtain an Emergency Stay Permit, but they cannot work.

5.    Expat can stay and obtain an Emergency Stay Permit, but they cannot work.
If he can / must travel no need for EPO.

6.    A Foreigner gets automatic Emergency Stay Permit if period of 60 days or 30 days has ended. If maximum stay of 180 days has been reached, he still gets Emergency Stay Permit. After Covid-19 period ends, he cannot use any unused 30 days period anymore.

7.    The Visa Approval letter (Telex) cannot be used for obtaining a visa at the Indonesian Embassy abroad. The telex will expire after 60 days. He must apply for new telex if Covid-19 period ends after validity period.

8.    The visa cannot be used travelling to Indonesia. The visa will expire after 90 days from date of issuance. He must apply for new telex if Covid-19 period ends after validity period.

9.    The Emergency Stay Permit is valid till the Covid-19 period ends by official decision.

10.  New rules regarding this situation will follow.

11.  Yes, they can leave Indonesia without further ado.

12.  Expats / foreigners with a valid Kitas /Kitap/Visa, that has expired or will expire during Covid-19 pandemic period will be charged no overstay fees, when they leave Indonesia after the Covid-19 period.

13.  Expats with a valid KITAP but an expired Merp while staying abroad will lose their KITAP, upon returning to Indonesia. They must apply for a KITAP again.



Source: The Permit House
