New to Indonesia? Learn Bahasa Indonesia


Learning Bahasa Indonesia is one of the essential things expatriates must do upon their arrival in Indonesia. Learning this language makes your experience of this wonderful country so much more richer. You can interact with the locals, enjoy travelling and shopping. And, it definitely helps at the workplace too. Whatever the purpose is, learning Bahasa Indonesia is easy with the right classes.

There are many courses and educational institutions that provide Bahasa Indonesia classes for expatriate communities. Some institutions offer private classes, whereas other have regular classes where you can practice your Bahasa Indonesia with fellow classmates.

If you are planning to learn Bahasa Indonesia intensively, here are language courses and schools that you might want to try:

Indonesia Australia Language Foundation (IALF) Jakarta


IALF Jakarta runs intensive and semi-intensive courses in Bahasa Indonesia for groups and individuals as well as evening classes. Besides two mentioned courses, there is also One-to-One Tuition, where IALF provides a highly effective mode of individualized language training and are particularly relevant to those who wish to quickly develop their general Bahasa Indonesia skills. As for corporate sector, IALF also provides customized training services for expatriate managers and personnel. IALF also opens Bahasa Indonesia courses in Surabaya and Bali.


  • IALF Jakarta: Plaza Kuningan, Menara Selatan 3rd floor, Jalan HR Rasuna Said Kav C 11-14 Jakarta
    Phone 021-5213350
  • IALF Surabaya: Jalan Ngagel 133 D-G, Surabaya, East Java
    Phone 031-5026400
  • IALF Bali: Jalan Raya Sesetan 190 Denpasar, Bali
    Phone 0361-225243

For more information, click

AIM for English Jakarta

AIM offers effective, enjoyable private Bahasa Indonesia courses for Jakarta’s expatriate community. Private (1-on-1) Indonesian courses taught by experienced, qualified, fun-loving Indonesian language tutors. There is also corporate (group) Bahasa Indonesia training programs delivered at your office. To make your learning even more effective, AIM also provides lessons about the Indonesian people and their culture with AIM’s custom-designed Bahasa Indonesia resources.

Jalan Padang 5C, Manggarai, South Jakarta
Phone 021-83785238

For more information, click

Language Solutions Education Center

language solutions

This institution offers specialized Bahasa Indonesia training and certification to improve and encourage the use of Bahasa Indonesia for expatriates. The course is designed to develop proficiency and communication in Bahasa Indonesia. The emphasis is placed primarily upon oral comprehension and conversational skills.

Jalan Danau Toba 104, Central Jakarta
Phone 021-5701505

More Info at

Language Studies Indonesia (LSI)

LSI methodology emphasizes the constant practicing of Bahasa Indonesia through one-on-one interaction. Moreover, the Private Classes will allow the mentor/instructor to tailor training methods to meet the ‘specific needs’, rather than teach to the general needs of a large group in a classroom setting. Besides Private Classes, there is also Public Classes that is only available for beginners.

Contact: 0-800-1-BAHASA (224272)
Or 021-27650454 (from overseas)

For more information, click!learn-bahasa-indonesia-in-jakarta/ct7p

Indonesia Language School – Alam Bahasa Indonesia

alam bahasa

If you want to learn Bahasa Indonesia while learn the local culture outside Jakarta, Alam Bahasa probably will answer your needs. The classroom activities at Alam Bahasa are presented in the frame of the Direct Method, which is based on the Communicative Approach toward language teaching and learning. The Direct Method will help learners to identify concepts and expressions, so students will be able to speak as naturally as native Indonesian speakers. It has become a multi language center where foreigners/expatriates from many countries can learn Bahasa Indonesia as well as Indonesian culture and local languages.

Main address: Kompleks Kolombo 3, Jalan Cendrawasih, Catur Tunggal, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta
Phone 0274-589631
For more information click