Indian Snack Recipe: Make Papad Rolls

papad Roll recipe


Serves: Four
Time required: 15 minutes 4 papads


  • 1/4 kg. potatoes
  • 200 g, green peas, shelled
  • a pinch of black salt
  • a pinch of cummin seeds
  • 1 g. amchur powder
  • 1 g. garam masala powder
  • 3 green chillies, chopped fine
  • oil for frying
  • salt to taste


  1. BOIL the green peas and potatoes till done. When cool, peel the potatoes.
  2. Ash the green peas and potatoes till smooth.
  3. Heat a little oil and fry all the masala till done.
  4. Add to the mashed vegetables and mix well.
  5. Divide the mixture into four portions.
  6. tuff the papads with this mixture and roll into cylindrical shapes.
  7. Deep fry the papad rolls in hot oil till crisp and brown.

Serve hot!

Nutritive value of each serving: Calories: 287.2 k cal.