Party! Party! Party!


Party! Party! Party!

When you move to Jakarta don’t neglect to bring your party clothes with you as you can enjoy a very full social life within the expatriate community in the city. There are many formal events where it is appropriate to wear a tuxedo and evening dress, as well as numerous less formal parties and cocktail evenings, and even some events that require fancy dress costumes. For the expat that enjoys a good party they can certainly have a very full social calendar during their posting here.

Jakarta is a great place for having evening wear made at a fraction of the cost you would expect to pay at home so many ladies take advantage of this and expand their collection of evening dresses. See the AWA Shoppers’ Guide for recommended dressmakers and tailors.

The social calendar usually starts at the end of January or early February with the Jakarta St. Andrew Society’s Burns’ Supper, a celebration to commemorate the birth of the Scottish national poet Robert Burns on January 25, 1759. The evening’s festivities include the ritual of reciting Burns’ famous poem “To A Haggis”.

On Saturday, February 25, 2012 the Australia and New Zealand Association will hold its annual Fortunes Night, a fun evening of “casino-type” games and prizes and on the same date the American Women’s Association will hold one of its most popular events called “Ragin’ Cajun Bourbon Street Bash”. This is an evening of New Orleans based fun.

Even though it is the smallest of the “Loyal Societies” and there are not too many people of Welsh descent in Jakarta, there is also an annual St. David’s Charity Dinner Dance organized by the Jakarta St. David’s Society around the date of the patron saint of Wales’ day on March 1. Close to St. Patrick’s Day on March 17 the St. Patrick’s Society Jakarta’s annual charity ball or Ceilidh Mor is held and this year as St. Patrick’s Day falls on a Saturday it will be celebrated on the actual day. For everyone with a little Irish blood, or a fondness for Ireland, this is an event not to be missed.

The major function of De Nederlandse Club is the Orange Ball celebrated at the end of April. The Orange Ball commemorates the establishment of the Royal House of Orange Nassau founded by Prince William of Orange.

The British Women’s Association’s Fashion Show in May is one of the most anticipated events of the year. A huge amount of planning and preparation goes into producing an excellent show. The models are all members of BWA and they devote a lot of time to practicing for the show“ while no doubt having a great deal of fun! Although named as a fashion show it is an entertaining production and enjoyed by the entire community. This year’s special 30th anniversary show with the theme “Divas” is scheduled for Saturday, May 12. Order your tickets early as this evening is notoriously a “sell out” event Surprisingly Jakarta hosts the largest highland gathering in the world outside of Scotland. As well as the full day of the gathering itself which is held at the end of May at Karawaci, a satellite city to the south west of Jakarta, the program also includes a golf tournament, and Scotland in Concert, a dinner and concert featuring bagpipes and Scottish music as well as many other entertaining items.

Another of the four “Loyal Societies”, the Royal Society of St. George holds an annual Medieval Banquet each June“ an evening of feasting, mirth and merriment. July and August are quiet months when most expatriate families are enjoying their summer vacation in their home countries.

In September the American Women’s Association holds a tropical themed welcome back party called “Margaritaville”. This is a time for welcoming many newcomers to Jakarta.

Next is the ANZA Charity Ball, the formal party of the Australia and New Zealand Association, and one of the best parties on the social calendar, to be held this year on Friday, September 21.

The Latin Ball organized by the Spanish Speaking Women’s Association is another highlight of the year“ a truly glamorous event in Latin style.

November is a busy month for social activities. On the first Tuesday in November the Melbourne Cup horse race is run in Melbourne, Australia, and is known as “the race that stops a nation”. Its repercussions are felt in Jakarta too for those attending the ANZA Melbourne Cup Luncheon. Glamorously dressed ladies, many wearing hats in true racegoing style, as well as numerous gentlemen gather at a 5-star hotel venue for champagne breakfast, a little “flutter” on the race which is shown live on the big screen, followed by a delicious lunch. This year’s date is Tuesday, November 6.

023The Nordic Club’s special event is the annual charity Crayfish Party, a fun gathering to enjoy delicious seafood.

Party! Party! Party!At the end of November or early December comes the St. Andrew’s Ball put on by the Java St. Andrew Society. The St. Andrew’s Ball is one of Jakarta’s most prestigious and longest running balls, being inaugurated in 1919. If you – enjoy Scottish Country Dancing and the skirl of the˜pipes this is a wonderful occasion from the champagne reception right through to the Chieftain’s breakfast enjoy Scottish Country Dancing and the skirl of the˜pipes this is a wonderful occasion from the champagne reception right through to the Chieftain’s breakfast“ and for the men an opportunity to wear a kilt.

December sees a multitude of Christmas dinners, parties and carol singing gatherings.

These are some of the major social gatherings that you can enjoy in Jakarta. Remember that while you are having fun in most cases the funds that are raised through the sale of tickets as well as the activities and raffles that are often a big part of the evening go towards helping underprivileged Indonesians through the charity work that these groups are heavily involved in. It is a very enjoyable way to give back to the Indonesian community.

Watch out for the dates of all of these wonderful parties in the calendar of events of Colliers International monthly Residential Newsletter!


Provided by: Colliers International
