Party with Sadhguru on the Night of Mahashivratri on 11th March

Party with Sadhguru on the Night of Mahashivratri

Party with Sadhguru on the Night of Mahashivratri

Join the party with the Divine via Livestream on Thursday, March 11, 7 p.m. – 7:30 a.m. Jkt

Isha Foundation will celebrate its 27th Mahashivratri event on March 11, from 7 p.m. to March 12, 7:30 a.m. (WIB). The event will be live-streamed at and across major TV channels in India. Mahashivratri is an exuberant night-long festival at the Isha Yoga Center, with explosive meditations and spectacular musical performances by renowned artists, attracting a few million people. The event will be streamed via LIVE satellite feeds in English and 11 Indian languages. Sadhguru will be present throughout the night, conducting guided meditations, including a powerful midnight meditation and Satsang.

Mahashivratri is one of the largest and most significant sacred festival nights in India. This – the darkest night of the year – celebrates the Grace of Shiva, considered to be the Adi Guru or the First Guru, from whom the yogic tradition originates. The night’s planetary positions are such that there is a powerful natural upsurge of energy in the human system. It is extremely beneficial for one’s physical and spiritual well-being to remain awake and conscious in a vertical position throughout the night. Mahashivratri offers us a unique opportunity to make use of the forces of nature for our well-being and can be enhanced by Mahashivratri sadhana, a preparation for Mahashivratri.

Register for the Livestream and join Sadhguru and other prominent celebrities for an all-night party with the divine that includes:

  • Explosive guided meditations accompanied by Dance and Music
  • Nightlong Satsang with Sadhguru
  • Musical performances by eminent artists
  • Bask in the Grace of Shiva, The AdiYogi!

In the Grace of Yoga with Sadhguru during Mahashivratri is a unique online program offering powerful yogic processes to cleanse and master the five elements within you for ultimate health and well-being. Register today! To get a glimpse of previous Mahashivratri celebrations click here and for Maha Annadanam, please click here.

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