Punjabi Gurmat School Jakarta

Gurmat School in Ciputat,Tangerang Selatan,

A Gurmat School, foundation stone was laid on Vasakhi, April 14th 2010 in Jakarta. The aims and objectives of the Gurmat school Committee is to develop a complete socio-religious and cultural education that enables Sikh children to learn about the Sikh religion, history, literature, kirtan, the Sikh way of life about culture and heritage.

The Gurmat school also aims to make our Sikh children aware of their identity and spiritual well being. The Parbhandak of Gurdwara Selatan(Yayasan Sosial Guru Nanak) with the Blessings of Waheguru and full participation and whole-hearted support of all the pious sadhsanggats of Gurdwaras in Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei and Thailand, helped in this process by creating resources and services geared towards kids.

Punjabi Gurmat School, Jakarta
Yayasan Sosial Guru Nanak,
Jl.Merpati Raya 103, Ciputat

Thank you for your kind attention.
Gur Sikhaan di Charan Dhur
Balwant Singh
Website: www.gurduaragurunanak.org