Recommended Psychiatrists in Jakarta


When you think that you can’t handle all of your anxiety, worries, stress, or depression anymore, it is wise to immediately book an appointment to a doctor or psychiatrist.

Psychiatrist is a medical expert in the field of mental health. So, instead of just being a general practitioner, they attended extra schooling to specialize in mental health. This is not to be confused with psychologist who is not a medical doctor and instead is a specialist in psychologist. Unlike psychologist, a psychiatrist is allowed to give therapies and prescribe medication for their patients.

Getting the treatment from a right psychiatrist is important as the success of the treatment highly depends on it. A good psychiatrist will help you to recover faster after the treatment.

While finding a good psychiatrist may be a challenging task for you, there are a few tips to help you find the right one:

Consult with your general practitioner

Although this is not a mandatory step, you can get an opinion from a general practitioner or family doctor. A general practitioner may diagnose the symptoms you experience and your overall conditions which might help the psychiatrist to identify your mental issue. Furthermore, a general practitioner may refer you to a good psychiatrist that will help you recover from your condition.

Look for recommendations

Go to the online forums, and look for a thread about mental issue or disorder. A recommendation of the best psychiatrists is usually discussed in the thread. You can also ask your friends, family, and your acquaintances if they know a good name.

We will proceed to the list of good psychiatrists in Jakarta in this article later.

Consider the psychiatrist’s experience

Once you get the name of psychiatrist you’re going to make appointment with, the next thing you want to do is considering the psychiatrist’s experience. The more experience a psychiatrist has with a condition or procedure, the better your results are likely to be.

Consider gender

It’s important to feel comfortable with your psychiatrists’ gender because you will need to openly discuss personal information. But it does not mean that a male psychiatrist, for example, is not capable to treat female patients or vise versa. Psychiatrists are trained in caring for all patients regardless of their gender.

If you are currently looking for a good psychiatrist in Jakarta, we have rounded up the best English-speaking psychiatrists to help you with your mental issues.

Dr Andri, SpKJ

Dr. Andri graduated from Universitas Indonesia, specialized in Medical Psychosomatic. He is a trained in psychosomatic and bio-psychosocial conditions from American Psychosomatic Society and Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine in 2010. He is often invited as speaker in seminars or talks about mental health and disorders in Indonesia. His Twitter page has more than 20,000 followers, and he often shares and discusses topics about mental health issues with his followers—no wonder he is widely popular among online communities in Indonesia. Dr. Andri is one of the most favorite psychiatrists in Jakarta for his calm and proactive approach to his patients.

Dr. Andri practices in Omni Hospital at Alam Sutera, Tangerang. His practice schedule can be viewed here.

Jalan Alam Sutera Boulevard Kav 25, Tangerang
Phone 021-29779999

Dr. Albert Maramis, SpKJ

Dr. Albert is a senior psychiatrist currently practicing at Mitra Keluarga Hospital in Bekasi, West Java. He specializes in community psychiatry, primary psychiatric consultation, and post-disaster mental health consultation. He graduated from Psychiatry in Universitas Airlangga Surabaya and had received trainings in psychopharmacology of acute psychiatric emergenci training. Dr. Albert is also an active member of Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (Indonesian Doctor Association), International Society for Bipolar Disorders, World Federation for Mental Health, and many other communities and associations. Many people recommend Dr. Albert due to his experiences in handling complex mental disorders on the victim of disasters.

Dr. Albert’s practice schedule and contact can be viewed here.

Practice location:
Jalan Pengasinan, Rawa Semut, Margahayu, Bekasi West Java
Phone 021-89999222 / 8817777

Dr. Tjhin Wiguna, SpKJ (K)

Dr. Tjhin is a psychiatrist who currently practices in two locations, Siloam Hospital in Kebon Jeruk and Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK) Hospital in Penjaringan, North Jakarta. He obtained his education in psychiatry from Krida Wacana Christian University, University of Indonesia, and The University of Melbourne. Dr. Tjhin specializes in mental health treatments for children and teenagers. Most of the cases that he handles revolve around depression, learning disorder, and other mental issues on teenagers like identity crisis.


  • Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk, Jalan Raya Perjuangan Kav. 8 West Jakarta
    Phone 021-25677888
    Schedule here.
  • PIK Hospital, Jalan Pantai Indah Utara No 3 Kapuk Muara, North Jakarta
    Phone 021-5880911
    Practice schedule here.

Getting a proper treatment from a psychiatrist does not mean that you are insane or crazy. When you or your loved ones experience depression, anxiety, severe stress, or other symptoms of mental disorders, immediately seek help from the experts. Our mental health needs as much as care as our physical being.