Aditi loves music, movies, racquet sports, and – finance. She has moved to Indonesia right after high school in 2016. An exciting time for the family – her father was starting a new post, and she her undergraduate study. She selected BINUS UNIVERSITY as it offered an international program in her field of passion on a 3+1 track. She is now completing her final year at Cologne Business School (CBS). This is her story about how BINUS degree helps her develop into a young mobile professional.
Aditi, what are the main reasons you joined BINUS?
For me and my family was important that I continue studying my passion at a university with an international outlook. As I studied accounting and economics in my high school, I knew I wanted to pursue a bachelor’s degree in this field. It was important for us that the environment is international, so that I would feel accepted as a foreigner and gain global experience needed to find employment either in India or elsewhere. Binus was the only international university with a finance major available in Indonesia.
How does BINUS support your international employability?
2 in 3 BINUS graduates become entrepreneurs or work in global companies. I think this is made possible through its unique 3+1 Enrichment Program. Every student is expected to spend one year on either of the five following tracks: study overseas, research, incubator, internship or community development. I feel that the double degree option I am currently taking with CBS will help me land a job more easily with two reputable degrees in my hand and business experience from the Asian and European context. The bonus of course is to be able to travel around and make new friends.
How does it compare to sit in BINUS and Cologne Business School classrooms?
In both places the teacher values a student’s opinion and thought. They are always ready to answer any doubts a student has. Learning is derived from discussion and team projects. BINUS hosts international students and lecturers so I could connect and adjust with relative ease to a very international environment at CBS. Moreover, the program at BINUS is rigorous, so I was well prepared for my final year at CBS.
What is the most valuable experience you cherish from BINUS and CBS?
I really deepened my knowledge of accounting and finance at BINUS. After three years I can say I understand well how a finance department of a company works. I also know Indonesian language now thanks to interactions with my fellow students. BINUS students are active. Our clubs often hold large-scale competitions for university and high school students. It is a great experience for me to have organized a big event like that with our Finance Club. I learned teamwork and discipline. In the past 3 weeks at CBS I have been interacting with students from around the world. This cultural diversity helps me understand different perspectives.
What are your hopes for the future?
My plan for now is to graduate with high grades end enter a master program in marketing and business management field. I have shortlisted some universities in Europe already and will soon be applying there. Later I expect to work in a multinational corporation or in one of the top four accounting firms.
For more information about BINUS international programs and admission, please visit http://international.binus.ac.id/, contact global@binus.edu, and visit our table B4 at Indoindians Bazaar on Friday, October 11, 2019 at Hotel Ritz Carlton, Mega Kuningan, Jakarta, from 10 AM – 8 PM.