Rita Srivastava introduces her spray on sanitiser. Protect your family …..today
Viruses stay on surfaces from 4 hours (copper) up to 72 hours (plastic) depending on the surface. This means keys, door and car handles, shoes, supermarket trolleys, phones, plastic packaging… the list goes on.
This alcohol based spray sanitizer is not only good for hands – it’s perfect for all these other surfaces around us that need disinfecting!
Ingredients – Isopropyl alcohol 67%, Aloe Vera Gel 33% Natural Essential oils
Price Rp 45,000 for 50 ml bottle (this includes Rp 5,000 donation to AOH Charity for each bottle sold) OR Rp. 500,000 for a carton of 12 bottles with the same contribution to AOH
Contact Rita by WA 08151877700 or Instagram @ritasrigreenproducts