SCORPIO: Astrological Predictions for 2020


Scorpio – You star the year with renewed vigor and strong spiritual perspective.

The impact of Sade Sati Saturn will be leaving your Zodiac from Jan 24th. This will bring new challenges and opportunities in your life. By now you should have learned the lessons of life and have become more matured and ready to face the world with new force and energy. For those who are still languid and have not bucked up are wasting their potential at their own peril.

For those who have worked hard, struggled and learnt the lessons of life will see tremendous gains from unexpected corners.

Family and siblings are close to your heart. This is the year when they will look up to you for direction, so be ready to give your time towards their development. This year will test your penchant for gambling pursuits. While you may be lucky in making big bucks on risky investments and shares and stocks, it is always wise to take a measured approach.

Spend time with your partner and make your relationship stronger as it needs some attention.

By the end of the first half, things will change, and it will give you a stronger inkling towards spirituality. You will work towards greater good and strike a balance between creating wealth and strengthening family relationships. This year is a great year provided you master the art of managing expectations and goals.

Here is a reading for each of the 12 sun signs. Click on each to read more:

  1. Aries – This is the year of Growth and New Partnerships.
  2. Taurus – You will see a transformation in the first 9 months and then sudden changes in the last quarter.
  3. Gemini –Year of passion, romance, love and partnerships. Are you in the game?
  4. Cancer – Building Trust and strengthening relationships will be the focus.
  5. Leo – This year will be for Long travels, Luck and Spiritual Transformation.
  6. Virgo – Get ready for rewards and some unexpected gains
  7. Libra – Get ready for a Successful Career, Fame and Rewards.
  8. Scorpio – You star the year with renewed vigor and strong spiritual perspective.
  9. Sagittarius – The Golden Year is waiting for you.
  10. Capricorn – Preparation and Planning will be your best friends this year.
  11. Aquarius – This a start of a New Horizon. You are the master of your fate and it is you who can chart your own course.
  12. Pisces – This year you will discover the power of your inner self.

Sundeep Kochar is a celebrity astrologer. For personal interpretations he can be reached at