Smart Study Strategies for young students: Less work, better grades


If you plan homework sessions like a work project, you can take a lot of the stress out of learning.

1. Get an Overview
Set up a diary where each week has its own big page. Use a different color to mark each subject your child studies during the day. Now you can see at a glance what sort of work each day brings.

2. Plan for Daily Revision
Going over the day’s work for a few minutes at the end of every day saves hours of painful cramming before exams! If your child has an hour of history on Monday, put aside 10 minutes at the end of the day to read over the notes again. Here are tips to an effective study plan >>

3. Schedule Homework
As your child gets assignments, work out how long these will take and set aside time in the diary for doing this. Remember: Your child may need time for extra research or revision.

4. Time and Place
Does your child learn best right after a snack, or after she’s been out cycling with her friends? Figure out what times her brain is most active, and plan more intense study periods then

5. Color Code a Timeline
A child who is weak at math may avoid doing math homework. help him see light at the end of the tunnel by drawing up a color coded timeline. Give each subject a different color. This way a child can see he only has to struggle for 30 minutes with a subject he dislikes before it’s on to one he enjoys. Color coding also makes it easy to check how a child is covering each subject.

6. Limit Study Time
It may sound crazy, but studying too much at one time is counter productive. Our brains can only take in a certain amount of information at once – studies on university students suggest 45 minutes to one hour concentration is about maximum. Then take a short break; let your kids have a snack or take a walk. Trying to do too much at once will only make a child confused and tired.

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