Total Solar Eclipse Visible in Indonesia, 9 March 2016

Solar Eclipses visible in Indonesia, 9 March 2016

Solar eclipse is a rare natural phenomenon when the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth, and casts the darkest part of its shadow (the umbra) on Earth. During the total solar eclipse, it is as if the Moon covers the entire disk of the Sun.

This year, Indonesia was in the major path of total solar eclipse. Indonesia last experienced a total solar eclipse in 1988, visible from Bangka Belitung and South Sumatera. This year, total solar eclipse was visible for two or three minutes in 45 cities and districts in 12 provinces across Indonesia. The 12 Indonesian provinces are Bengkulu, South Sumatera, West Sumatera, Jambi, Bangka Belitung, West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, and North Maluku.

Jakarta saw almost 90 percent of eclipse. Jakartans can experience solar eclipse start from 06.19am. The peak of partial solar eclipse will occur at 07.21am, and end at 08.31am.
Since it is rare phenomenon, many people are curious as to what it would look like. During a total solar eclipse you need to take note that you can’t look to the sun directly. Here are the safe ways to view the solar eclipse:

  1. Use “pinhole camera”
    You can make this fancy pinhole camera by yourself. Punch a small clean pinhole in one piece of cardboard and let the sunlight fall through that hole on to the second piece of cardboard held below it. Just use an empty shoebox to make this pinhole cameraYou can also use a pringles can. An inverted image of the Sun will be formed. If you want to see the larger image, move the screen farther from pinhole (around 1 meter). Don’t make a wide pinhole, because you will only have a shaft of sunlight rather than an image of the eclipse. Do not look through the pinhole at the sun.
  2. Look at the reflection on a basin water
    Prepare a bucket or basin of water. Place it on the open field or your backyard. The water will reflect the Sun, and you can enjoy your eclipse viewing safely.
  3. Wear special glasses
    This year, Gramedia Bookstore chain offers special glasses that can be used for viewing solar eclipse. The glasses are guaranteed safe. It is made out of black polymer ND 5 Seymour, which can filter 100 percent of dangerous radiation from ultra-violet and 100 percent from infrared. It is claimed that those glasses have ability to weaken sunlight intensity up to 100,000 times.

Other ways to enjoy solar eclipse is by visiting Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta. There will be open house hosted by Planetarium Jakarta at the park. In the open house, there will be six telescopes for observing partial solar eclipse. You can also watch the live streaming of total solar eclipse at the lobby of Planetarium and Observatory. At the event, Planetarium Jakarta will provide free solar eclipse glasses and door prize for the visitors. The event will be started from 6.00am until 8.30am.

The weather was sunny and bright on 9 March – a perfect day to watch a solar eclipse..