Sphulingo & Kanika



Translator’s note: I am unaware of any other piece better capturing the solemnity and wonder of Nature, manifesting through its both macro and micro creations, than the two short poems as below.

10. Poem from the book ‘Kanika’ (Fragments)

&  “What’s Thy eternal language, O vast sea?”
“Mine is endless query”, says he.
“Why silent, O mountain emperor?”
Mountain replies, “Mine is reticence for ever.”

11) From the book ‘Sphulingo’ (Sparks)

&For many a day I planned
And went around many a land
Across many a mile
To enjoy many a while
Spending fortunes time and again
To observe the sea and mountain;
But only have to cover yet
With my feet at my doorstep set
A look at a dewdrop
On the blade of a grass atop