The Diet That Must Be Followed Exactly

The Diet That Must Be Followed Exactly

Here the Diet That Must Be Followed Exactly for 3 days. Try it out and share your results with us.

Day 1 Day 2

Day 3

1 piece of toast
2 tbs. Peanut butter
1/2 grapefruit
coffee or tea 
1 piece of toast
1 egg
1/2 banana
coffee or tea
1 piece of toast
1 egg
1/2 banana
coffee or tea
1 piece of toast
1/2 cup tuna (in water)
1 small apple
coffee or tea 
5 saltine crackers
1 cup cottage cheese
1/2 banana
coffee or tea
5 saltine crackers
1 slice cheddar cheese (sandwich sized)
1 small apple
coffee or tea
3 oz lean meat (may be chicken)
1 cup beets
1 cup green beans
1/2 cup vanilla ice cream
coffee or tea
2 hot dogs (can be chicken or turkey dogs)
1 cup broccoli
1/2 cup carrots
1/2 cup vanilla ice cream
coffee or tea
1 cup fish (fresh tuna or whitefish)
1 cup beets
1/2 cup cauliflower
1/2 cup vanilla ice cream
coffee or tea

This diet works on a chemical breakdown of combined foods. Salt and pepper may be used but no other spices.