The Indian Institutes of Management


the indian institutes of management3The Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) are located at Ahmedabad (Gujarat); Bangalore (Karnataka); Kolkata (WB); Indore (MP), Kozhikode (Kerala) and Lucknow (UP). IIMs offer residential postgraduate programmes and fellow programmes in management (equivalent to PhD).

A Common Admission Test (CAT) is held at Ahmedabad, Allahabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Coimbatore, Delhi, Gurgaon, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Jameshedpur, Kolkata, Kozhikode, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, Noida, Patna and Pune on all India basis for admission to postgraduate programmes in management (PGP) in IIMs.

Post graduate programmes in management (PGP):
IIM Ahmedabad: PGP (general), PGP-ABM (agri-business management) & PGP-PMP.
IIM Bangalore: PGP, PGSEM
IIM Indore: PGP and Exec-PGPIIM Kozhikode:PGP
IIM Lucknow: PGP and PGP-ABM

Following are the Fellow programme in management (FPM)(equivalent to Ph.D)
IIM Ahmedabad: FPM
IIM Bangalore: FPM
IIM Calcutta: FPMIIM Indore:FPM
IIM Kozhikode: FPM
IIM Lucknow: FPM

Eligibility for postgraduate programmes in management:

PGP: For all IIMs, the minimum eligibility criterion for admission is at least a three year bachelor’s degree with at least 50 per cent marks or equivalent CGPA (45 per cent for SC/(ST or persons with disability (PWD) category), of any of the Universities (please check specifications) or possess an equivalent qualification recognised by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India. The Bachelor’s degree or equivalentualification obtained by the candidate must entail minimum of three years of education after completing higher secondarys chooling (10+2) or equivalent. The percentage obtained by the candidate in the bachelor’s degree would be based on the practice followed by the university/ institutions from, where the candidate has obtained the degree. In case of the candidates being awarded grades/CGPA instead of marks, the equivalence would be based on the equivalence certified by the university/ institution from where they have obtained bachelor’s degree. In case the university/institution does not have any scheme for converting CGPA into equivalent marks, the equivalence would be established by the IIMs by dividing obtained CGPA with the maximum possible CGPA and multiplying the resultant with 100.

Special eligibility requirements:

iim ahmedabad

IIM Ahmedabad: PGP in agribusiness management (PGP-ABM): Either (a) a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in any disci-pline with at least 50 per cent marks in Bachelor’s degree (45 per cent in case of the candidates belonging to SC/ST or persons with disability (PWD) category), of any of the universities – Detail Here PGP in agribusiness management (PGP-ABM): Either (a) a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in any disci-pline with at least 50 per cent marks in Bachelor’s degree (45 per cent in case of the candidates belonging to SC/ST or persons with disability (PWD) category), of any of the universities

Courses offered: Two-year postgraduate programme in agribusiness management for those interested in developing their skills as professional managers in the agriculture sector. Eligibility: Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in agriculture sci-ences or in the agriculture related disciplines, with at least 50per cent marks or equivalent CGPA. Fellow Programme in Management with specialisations inagriculture, business policy, economics, finance and accounting, computer & information systems, marketing, organisational behaviour, personnel and industrial relations, production and qualitative methods, public systems. Eligibility: Post graduation in any discipline including CA, ICWA, CS with at least 55 per cent marks, or a four-year/eight-semester bachelor’s degree with a minimum 60 per cent marks. Those expecting to graduate in the same year can also apply. You will receive a fellowship covering all academic (consisting oftuition, computer, library, medical insurance, placement and alumni fees) and living expenses (including boarding and lodging). You will also get a stipend including food allowance)

Management Education Programme: For potential leaders. Eligibility: Performers in their fields, slated to reach top levels in their place of work. To study: Computer based information systems, decision analysis, economic analysis and policy, financial accounting and analysis, cost accounting, financial management, human resources management, logistics, managerial communication, marketing management, organisationals behaviour, production andoperations management, strategic management. Last date:October.

One year full time residential postgraduate programme in public management and policy. Eligibility: ABachelor’s degree or equivalent in any discipline with seven or more years of work experience or legislative experience of one to five years by March of the year of admission. GMAT,GRE or CAT score. Last two years’ GMAT/GRE scores are also accepted. CAT score from any of the last three CATs. Don’t worry if you don’t have a CAT/GMAT/GRE score as you’ll be short listed based on application rating and invited for IIMA’sspecially designed test. Selected candidates have to appear for personal interview.

For more information, contact: Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380015.
Tel: 079-26324455-57 Fax: 079-26307258, 26324586
E-mail: Web:

GP in agribusiness management (PGP-ABM): Either (a) a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in any disci-pline with at least 50 per cent marks in Bachelor’s degree (45 per cent in case of the candidates belonging to SC/ST or persons with disability (PWD) category), of any of the universities

IIM Bangalore:

iim bangalore

PGP in software enterprise management (PGSEM): Candidates must possess a three-year Bachelor’s degree of any of the universities (please check specifications). In addition, candidates must have a minimum two years of work experience in the software industry PGP in software enterprise management(PGSEM): Candidates must possess a three year Bachelor’s degree of any of the universities (please check specifications). In addition, candidates must have a minimum two years of work experience in the software industry. The application form can be downloaded from

Courses offered: A full-time residential doctoral-level fellow programme in management(Ph D equivalent). You’ll be learning about corporate strategy and policy, economics and social sciences, finance and control, marketing, organisational behaviour and human resource management, production and operations management, public systems ad policy, quantitative methods and information systems.

Eligibility: Master’s degree in any discipline or equivalent qualification recognisedby the AIU or by the AICTE with 55 per cent minimum. Candidates applying for corporate strategy and policy must have a minimum of two years work experience in addition to a minimum of 55 per cent marks in Master’s degree or he should be a CA with 55 per cent marks or hold a first class Bachelor’s degree in engineering or technology with two years work experience. They should also satisfy the eligibility criteria for CAT. You will be considered also if you plan to take GMAT or GRE in the year that you are applying for the programme or GATE next year. There are other waivers too on certain considerations for which you’ll have to get a detailed prospectus. Assistance: You will be getting a fellowship grant for four years to covertuition and other fees, hostel room rent and computer facilities. You’ll also get a monthly stip end and also a contingency grant every year.

How to apply: Candidates have to appear for the Common Admission Test (CAT) and also fill in FPM application forms issued free of cost on request from FPM Office, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore 560076.

The application forms can also be downloaded from from August to September.

PGP in agribusiness management (PGP-ABM): Either (a) a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in any disci-pline with at least 50 per cent marks in Bachelor’s degree (45 per cent in case of the candidates belonging to SC/ST or persons with disability (PWD) category), of any of the universities

IIM Calcutta:

iim calcutta

Postgraduate diploma in computer-aided management (PGDCM): Candidates can apply to more than one of the postgraduate programmes viz, PGDM and PGDCM

Eligibility: Graduation (three years of education after 10+2) with 50 per cent marks or equivalent CGPA (45 per cent in case of the candidates belonging to SC, ST or persons with disability (PWD Category). Candidates in their final year or awaiting result may also apply.

Selection: Based onperformance in CAT, aptitude test in mathematics (ATM),group discussion and interview, relevant work experience, and past scholastic achievement. PGDM: is a 2 year fulltime residential programme.

Eligibility: Same as that of PGDM Programme. Last date: November. For PGDCM Programme,a candidate is required to send a crossed DD payable at Kolkata for the specified amount in favour of IIM Kolkata.

The application form can also be downloaded from the website and send the same duly filled along with a demand draft of the specified amount. The PGDCM application form and sample items of aptitude test in mathematics(ATM) is sent to the candidate on receipt of demand draft. Last date for receipt of the filled in PGDCM application is November.

PGP in agribusiness management (PGP-ABM): Either (a) a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in any disci-pline with at least 50 per cent marks in Bachelor’s degree (45 per cent in case of the candidates belonging to SC/ST or persons with disability (PWD) category), of any of the universities

IIM Indore:

iim indore

Executive postgraduate programme in management (EXEC-PGP) Executive postgraduate programme in management (EXEC-PGP)

Eligibility: At least a three-year bachelor’s degree with at least 50 per cent marks or equivalent CGPA(45 per cent for SC/STs or persons with disability (PWD) category), of any of the universities (please check specifications). Graduates in any discipline must have a minimum of five years and up to 15 years managerial/ entrepreneurial/ professional experience as on August 31 of the year of admission. Work experience obtained only after graduation is considered. Organisational sponsorship is desirable. A separateExec-PGP application form also needs to be submitted forapplying to Exec-PGP. Issue of application from: August. Lastdate: November.
For more, check

PGP in agribusiness management (PGP-ABM): Either (a) a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in any disci-pline with at least 50 per cent marks in Bachelor’s degree (45 per cent in case of the candidates belonging to SC/ST or persons with disability (PWD) category), of any of the universities

IIM Lucknow:

iim lucknow

PGP in agribusiness management (PGP-ABM): Candidates should have any of the following qualifications

(a) A Bachelor’s degree in agriculture science/ agricultural engineering or allied subjects with at least 50 per cent marks (45 per cent in case of SC/ST/PWD category) or equivalent CGPA from any of the Universities (please check specifica-tions). Or
(b) The candidate must hold a Bachelor’s degree with at least 50 per cent marks (45 per cent in case of SC/ST/PWD category) or equivalent CGPA of any of the universities (please check specifications). The Bachelor’s degreeor equivalent qualification obtained by the candidate mustentail a minimum of three years of education after completing higher secondary schooling or equivalent with at least two years experience or strong interest in agriculture or allied sector. The candidate eligible under criteria (b) must submit a special form available with the admission office, IIM Lucknow.

The form can also be downloaded from the IIML website ( Rules for conversion of CGPA, forcomputation of percentage scored and for the candidates appearing in the final year of qualifying examination would be same as mentioned above in the minimum eligibility criterion for admission to PGP for all IIMs. This form should bedirectly submitted to the Admission Office, IIM, Prabandh Nagar, Off Sitapur Road, Lucknow 226013 by September. CAT Score cards are sent to the candidates around January ofthe year of admission. These remain valid for admission toPGP’s and FPMs of IIM for one year.

Note (For all IIMs): Candidates appearing for the final Bachelor’s degree/equivalent qualification examination canalso apply. Such candidates must produce a certificate from the principal/head of the department/registrar/director ofthe university /institution certifying that the candidate hasobtained 50 per cent marks or equivalent (45 per cent incase of candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD category) basedon latest available grades/marks. Such candidates, if select-ed, are allowed to join the programme provisionally only if they submit a certificate in month of June of the year of admission from the principal/registrar of their college/institute (issued in or before June of the year of admission) stat-ing that they have completed all the requirements (theresults may, however, be awaited) for obtaining theBachelor’s degree/equivalent qualification on the date ofissue of the certificate latest by June, of the year of the admission. Scholarships/financial assistance: Substantialneed-based scholarships are available for students belonging to economically disadvantaged families. Reservation: 15per cent seats are reserved for SC candidates, 7 ½ per cent for ST candidates and 3 per cent for persons with disability (PWD) as per PWD Act 1955.

Issue of form: July.
Last Date for receipt of completed applications: September.
Common Admission Test: November.

Postgraduate programme in business management:

Eligibility: Applicants must have pursued 10+2 years of for-mal schooling. (b) Completed at least a three-year Bachelor’s degree programme or equivalent in any discipline with 50 per cent marks or CGPA of 5.50 on a 10 pointscale and 45 per cent for SC/ST/PWD. The candidates must be below 45 years of age as on July 1 of the year of admission. Admission is made on the basis of competitive written examination conducted by IIM Lucknow at Noida or NewDelhi. The written examination is on the pattern of Common Admission Test (CAT) of IIMs. The shortlisted candidates after the written examination are required to go through a group discussion and personal interview.

Further details can be had from:
Indian Institute of Management,Power Management Institute (PMI Building)
Plot No. 14,Sector 16 A, Noida 201301
Ph: 0120-2512164
Email: Web:

PGP in agribusiness management (PGP-ABM): Either (a) a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in any disci-pline with at least 50 per cent marks in Bachelor’s degree (45 per cent in case of the candidates belonging to SC/ST or persons with disability (PWD) category), of any of the universities