Tomar Sristir Path



48. Poem ‘Tomar Sristir Path’ (Path of Thy Creation) written on 30th July, 1941. The Poet died on 7th August, 1941.

[Translator’s note: The noble persons who had their place in history for their great deeds had to secure it through circuitous and difficult ways. But their path was unshaken in the truth they perceived amidst all their adversities. The Poet’s life itself illustrates this steadfastness. Amidst many a crisis he built up his great institution ‘Viswa Bharati (=The World University) at Santiniketan which is a live symbol of universal love and brotherhood besides illustrating how ideal education should be for upbringing of the students to lift them above all narrowness and right perception of the humanity from the broadest angle. While ‘Viswa Bharati’ culminates the greatest virtues which have evolved in human history, this is not the place to list all the numerous achievements of the Poet including the literary ones, neither I am competent to do that. However, this poem is the yield of his supreme perception that mission for the great deeds must be pursued through difficult ordeals which is the intent of God.
Incidentally, John Milton in his poem ‘On His Blindness’ perceives the supreme truth that it is God’s way of appraising his best creation – man – by strewing his path with several adversities. The most devout worshipper of God is he who emerges from these difficulties with his faith unscathed. He serves the Almighty by enduring and finally triumphing over the severities, which is in all respects, the will of God –
“…….who best
Bear His mild yoke, they serve Him best…..”]

The path of Thy creation
Thou have strewn with deception;
Laid down Thy web adept
For the naïve inept.
This Arcanum is Thy trial for the noble
For whom no darkness is terrible.
The lodestar that guides him,
It is from his conscience he does deem;
Eternally transparent serene,
With faith its brilliance to be seen;
Thine apparent twisters
Are mere farce
To conceal Thine inner straight
Where Thou are great.
Insensibly prone to torment though
With self illumination his search for Truth does go.
Un-deprived by all hazards
He wins his glory resplendent for ever.