Ways to Better Utilize Your Time After Work


utilize your time after work

Time is one of our most valuable things. Each moment, each second is a resource that can never be recovered or replaced. This is why we should treat our time with the respect it deserves.

During our lives, we constantly strive for accomplishments in our career. It is true that being successful in our career brings tons of happiness to our life. But sometimes, there is one thing that we lack: free time. Sometimes it makes us forget about our loved ones, and even ourselves.

We often feel just too busy and that feeling persists even after work. Making a priority list can help to better utilize your time. And once you have your day mapped out, here is what you can do with your time after work hours for a balanced life:

No overtime

Working overtime may not always mean that you are a hardworking employee. Working overtime could lead to lower productivity per hour may result in poor social life. If you work overtime, you won’t be capable of doing much more, because you’ll more likely fall asleep till the morning after work. The key is to manage your time and organize your schedule better, so you will be able to have your own time after work.

Take a break

Even when days are short and hectic, give yourself a break. Take some time every day to be present in the moment, when you forget about unanswered emails or the last meeting you had. Simply sit in a quiet environment (maybe with a cup of coffee), and shed the negativity in your head. 15 to 30 minutes is enough to ‘rinse’ your thoughts.

Turn off your social media

It’s easy to let social media channels occupy us for hours. This is a really bad habit, because you waste a lot of time on something pointless. If you want to be more productive, simply log out from your social media accounts and do anything you want. You can cook nice meals for your family, or grab a drink with your close friends.

Say “no”

When you say ‘yes’ to others, make sure you are not saying ‘no’ to yourself ~ Paulo Coelho

You don’t have much time after work to do everything you want to, so you need to learn to say “no” and saying “yes” to your own commitments and priorities.

Plan ahead

Although we tend to make (or at least think) a lot of plans for the following week, we often forget about them. This is why we should spare an hour during the weekend to write and plan ahead. That way you can get through your email and messages, and check if you agreed to something you possibly forgot. But, don’t plan too many things; use your priority formula and the saying ‘no’ strategy to organize your plan.

Exercise before work

Exercising in the morning before work will produce endorphins which will you cool and help stay focused during the day. When you are focused, your productivity will as well increase and you can finish your tasks on time. And you’re ready to use your time after work for something more relaxing and fun!