Yoga @ Ancol


Sadhu Vaswani Center, Jakarta organized Yoga@beach on Saturday, 30th April, 2016.
The benefits of yoga are known worldwide and the practitioners and so is the outcome. Teaching yoga is a new experience for me everyday and in order to elaborate the experience we thought to perform right in the lap of nature, by the beach side. Along with my enthusiastic students, we headed to Ancol this Saturday early morning to give our practice a touch of nature

Benefits of yoga by the beach:

  1. Combating Vitamin D Deficiency :
    Your body produces Vitamin D when you are exposed to Sun and the production is more effective when Sun salutations are performed right beneath the morning sun light.
  2. Breath in fresh air:
    One of the most important aspects of yoga is remembering to just breathe. This helps give your muscles the oxygen they need to be at their best, and it helps channel your inner calm. When you combine the practice of breathing more deeply and fully with the crisp, fresh air at the beach, you’ll be cleaning out your lungs, bringing more oxygen to your body, and improving your overall energy.
  3. Relaxes your mind and body :
    The sound waves, the fresh air, warmth of sand gives your mind and body a very relaxing experience leaving you energetic throughout the day.
  4. Balances your body:
    The workout on sand is harder than on flat surface because of the uneven surface. Thus, your need more control over your body, making your practice better.

We a group of few practitioners went to get the experience, and we all admit that it was truly blissful. A glimpse of it below:



By Rutu Trivedi Panjwani